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Mennah A
Mennah A
Busy working mother of an amazing daughter, based in the UK.

I'm a busy working mother of one amazing daughter. I live in the UK and I like writing about parenting, family, photography and technology.

My Stories



The Ultimate Guide to Toilet Training your Kid

Toilet training (potty training) is one key step in your child’s development. It is a skill like any other that they need to learn. It's not that different from sleeping,...

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Things you need to know before starting your first mom blog

I have now been through this a few times already with my websites. It is great that you finally decided to start a mom blog and it is important to...

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5 Worst Things People Say To A New Parent!

I know, most people commenting or saying something to a new parent are saying it with good intentions (you would hope!). They might think they are helping or being nice....

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Health and Fitness


How to Treat a Baby's Sneezing and Stuffy Nose

Babies are just miserable when they are ill. They are crying all the time, in a bad mood, they become clingy and become a mucus producing machine! A baby's nose...

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My 2 Years Old Throws Food on the Floor!

Hello fellow mamas! I just wanted to share this as it took me a while to improve my daughter's eating habits and I have seen friends struggle with this as...

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