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When you find out that you're pregnant, it's natural to feel nervous and excited. If you're a pet owner, you may feel more anxious than other expectant parents if you're worried about how your pet will get along with your baby.
Luckily, with a bit of planning, you can help even the most pampered cat or dog make a smooth transition from living in a baby-free household to residing in a home that's focused on a crying, demanding newborn.
“Many dog and cat owners say of their pets, 'This is my first baby,'” says Vicki Mendiratta, MD, professor in the division of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle. “Pregnancy is time to reflect that your life is changing, and most pet owners can't focus the same amount of time on a pet when they have to take care of a child.”
A study of nearly 600 dog and cat owners, which was presented at the 2010 meeting of the American Sociological Association, confirms what most people believe to be true: Pet owners who have children spend less time with their pets.
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I'm Mom to a beautiful baby girl Emma and wife to the most wonderful husband Josh. We live in Montréal, Canada, the city known for its festivals, arts, amazing food and winters of course! It's been a year since Emma was born and oh boy what a roller coaster has it been! Panda eyes, sleepless nights, diaper changing marathons, practically sleep walking - been there, done that! Nonetheless, motherhood is beautiful and I don't want my little one to grow up so fast. Thanks for stopping by, and viewing my bumpy little mommy ride.
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