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Fun and Unique Ways to Announce You’re Expecting

Once you find out you’re expecting, the next step is breaking the good news to your friends and family. Some people use pictures, balloons, outfits, and others stick to the good old family meeting.

But how about you turn your pregnancy announcement into a memorable event? We’ll share fun and unique ideas to make your announcement memorable and tear-jerking.

1. A Game of Charades

A game of Charades is the best way to announce your pregnancy if you enjoy weekly game nights with family and friends. Acting out the good news and watching as everyone struggles to understand your actions is fun. Once they figure out what you're saying, screams, laughter, and hugs will follow swiftly.

2. Customized Snacks

Snacks are a fun way to announce your pregnancy because everyone has a favorite snack. You have a wide selection of snack options, including cookies, chocolate, M&Ms, cupcakes, and gummies. Research your audience's favorite snack for this idea and use it for the announcement.

So, if your mum loves cupcakes, bake a couple of them and add a message on each cupcake using icing sugar. Cute messages like "coming soon," "due on 1st Jan", or "you're a grandma" are perfect. Alternatively, you can add your ultrasound pictures on cakes or cookies.

3. Customized Wine Bottle

Snacks are great, but you can also break the news at brunch using a bottle of wine or champagne. Invite your close friends to brunch and ask the waiter to bring the bottle to the table upon your request.

You can brand the bottle with your ultrasound pictures or hearty messages, such as "you're about to be an aunt or uncle" and "baby girl loading in 2023". Remember, you can be as creative as possible to make the announcement unique and sentimental.

4. Ultrasound Embroidery

Do you love knitting? Or does your audience love a well-embroidered piece? Well, you should change the pregnancy announcement game by using ultrasound embroideries. They're pretty common than you'd think and will last for years.

So, if you need to be more creative, take your ultrasound to an embroidery expert and have them design quality pieces for your loved ones. Apart from the picture, you can also add the gender and due date for those closest to you.

5. A Gift Box

Grandparents, aunties, uncles, and older siblings should learn to care for the baby once it arrives. So, why not gift them a baby care starter kit and announce your pregnancy simultaneously?

In the box, you’ll include baby bottles, a onesie branded with the good news, baby socks, and other adorable baby items. In fact, you can also include a sweet note explaining the news and why they’ll make the best grandparents or aunties. What’s more, this is a sentimental box that they can keep for years.

There you have it! Receiving news that you’re expecting a bundle of joy is life-changing, and sharing the news with your loved one is special. We hope these five unique ideas will make your announcement fun and memorable.

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