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I Need to Go Easy on Me

I Need to Go Easy on Me

I woke up this morning from a sleep that was restless. The last month, I have been under an incredible amount of stress. I am trying so hard to spin all the plates and be the entire team, which I think most mothers try to attempt to do until they are burnt out. And well for me, that is called caregiver burn out, which I have experienced before. 

I am a mother in my 30s and I have three children. My oldest son is diagnosed with severe non verbal autism and requires full time care each and every day. My daughter is the middle child, is Atypical and is the only girl in our family. Our youngest son just recently got diagnosed on the spectrum this year, which was something we saw coming. So, motherhood you can say has a level of extra for me which can be so hard at times. 

Maybe I am the only one, but I am obsessed with the new song Adele came out with. Have you had a chance to listen to it ? Easy On Me is Adele's new song and it is currently on my playlist that has been played over and over again. This morning after the restless sleep I had, I turned on the music before 7 AM and just cranked it, I poured a coffee and soaked in the music. I realised something: I need to go EASY on me. 

I am way too hard on myself. Each and everyday I put unrealistic expectations on myself. I put a pressure on myself thinking the world cares or I will be judged by the unfolded laundry, the sink full of dishes and the kids who may have had more than three cupcakes last week. This life I am living is not easy by any means, but it would be a lot easier if I started being a little easier on myself and decided to let go of the idea we need to always be picture perfect. This is a long life to live in with never being easy and relaxed to see all the beauty happening around us. Today I am tired, but I am going to take it easy on myself and see if the day is a little better than what I am used to in this motherhood journey. 

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Katie E

Hello Friends, I am a mother of 3 beautiful children. My two boys are on the autism spectrum. Our family lives in Canada. I am a lover of coffee & I enjoy spreading kindness to as many people as I cross paths with. I dabble in blogging but my calling in life is advocating for those who have no voice & need their story to be told.
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