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Amy Schumer spreading Postpartum Realness

The postpartum period is full of new challenges and difficulties. On top of having a newborn baby to take care of, fresh mothers often have to deal with post-pregnancy physical discomforts, lack of sleep, anxiety and body confidence issues. It's not for nothing that it is often referred to as the fourth trimester of pregnancy.  

Celebrities often disappear for a while after giving birth and decide to step back into the spotlight once they got their "pre-pregnancy bodies" back or only showcase themselves in heavily staged situations featuring heavy makeup and gorgeous gowns. While we love that glam life they share with us and everybody should decide for themselves what and how much they want to share with the public, it often makes celebrity moms seem picture perfect and distant.

Actress and comedian Amy Schumer however, has been very open and transparent about her post-partum journey. After giving birth to her son Gene in early March, the first time mom has been sharing her experiences and struggles with her fans on Instagram. 

She even asked whether her audience would "be interested in seeing a docu series of my pregnancy and birth?" in the caption of one of her posts and received a very positive and enthusiastic response. 

And she's been keeping that promise and has blessed us with various photos of her and her adorable family spending quality summer time together. 

And while the happy family is doing great, Schumer still keeps things real. She admits that parenting is nuts, but nevertheless wants "to recommend being a parent if you can.” 

One aspect that the actress has been bringing special attention to, is mothers regaining their strength and recovering both physically and mentally after giving birth. In an Instagram post showing her and her husband drenched in sweat she writes: "Three months after a C playing doubles volleyball for 90 minutes! I feel so strong!” 

Moreover, she's been confidently rocking swimwear and showing off her gorgeous post-partum body on the beach. In response to a fan pointing out how great she looked in her swimsuit and praising her showcasing a "normal womans body" she said “I am loving my warm soft post-baby body. Grateful to be feeling so strong again!” 

In doing so, she is encouraging and inspiring mothers all over the world to feel confident about their post-pregnancy bodies and focus on being healthy and strong. 

We can't wait to catch more glimpses of Amy Schumer's journey through motherhood and her adorable family. 

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