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4 Ways to Feel Beautiful After Giving Birth
Beauty & Fashion

4 Ways to Feel Beautiful After Giving Birth

The more children you give birth to, the less you begin to resemble your “old self” This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It’s a good thing, actually. The person you grow into through motherhood is resilient, resourceful, selfless, and full of grace. Being a mother teaches you to be patient and understanding, and requires you to extend that patience not only to your family, but to yourself as well. The transformation a woman undergoes after giving birth is beautiful yet drastic. It manifests itself socially, emotionally, and most apparently--physically. So how can you feel beautiful and confident in your own skin, when all of a sudden you’re totally different from how you’ve been for the majority of your life? Here are 3 ways to feel beautiful after giving birth: 

1. Don’t Hide

It’s easy to avoid mirrors so that you won’t have to see the stretch marks, the loose skin, or the extra pounds that came with giving birth. But the more unfamiliar and shocking something appears, the less likely you are to accept it. The more you look at your new appearance, the more you’ll get used to it.

2. Focus on the Positive

I may be alone on this one--but I don’t see anything beautiful about my saggy stomach. I’d like to be super poignant and inspiring but it grosses me out, honestly. However, when I change my mindset, and think about the appearance of my stomach as a receipt or certificate for my babies, I remember that it’s worth it. I would give my life for my children. So, all of the physical changes that my body has gone through as a result of giving birth are a worthwhile sacrifice for these precious babies I’ve been blessed with. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. 

3. Prioritize Self Care

Most moms live in what I like to call their “mom uniform”: a messy bun, an old t-shirt or tank top, and sweats or leggings. We all know why we do it, and trust me, no one with any common sense is judging you for it. Do what you’ve got to do! But neglecting your appearance takes a toll on your self esteem and emotional well-being in the long run. The more time and effort I put into improving my appearance, the better I feel about myself in spite of my imperfections. When I put on a cute outfit, keep up with my skin care routine, drink enough water and vitamins, and get enough sleep, I feel beautiful. The reverse applies as well. When I neglect my hair and wear old clothes and eat terrible foods, I feel an “Oompa Loompa”. I feel gross and ugly. The best way to feel beautiful after giving birth, is to treat yourself like you’re beautiful. You deserve it. 

4. Change What You Don’t Like

Mommy makeovers are a thing for a reason. If you have the resources to fix the things about your body that you don’t like, then you should! Diet and exercise can go a long way. Get a good fade cream for stretch marks, stay hydrated and massage your loose skin with firming creams to improve the appearance of the skin. Wear a waist trainer to help flatten your tummy. Get a professional hair cut or some quality hair extensions to conceal postpartum hair loss. These are just places to start. 

Looking good and feeling good may require more effort after giving birth than it did before you became a mom. That’s ok. It’s also ok not to feel beautiful on some days. Sometimes you’re just too drained from caring for your family to focus on your lip gloss or hair color. On most days, just an uninterrupted shower feels like a luxury. Motherhood is a journey and it’s ok to feel less confident at times because of the changes your body has experienced after giving birth. But it’s not ok to stay down on yourself or to neglect yourself because of those changes. You deserve to feel beautiful, celebrated, and accepted. Do everything in your power to make sure that you are. 

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Aaris G

Hi, I'm Aaris :) I'm a wife, a mother, and most importantly, a Believer! I received my Master's Degree in Early Childhood Education from Howard University, and love to spread love and joy because life is short and meant to be lived to the fullest. I’d love for you to join me as I share funny and endearing family moments, and relatable advice concerning motherhood, womanhood, and marriage. I believe that family is everything and by supporting the family unit, we can improve our communities and help change the world!
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